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Fall 2023 Newsletter

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

Welcome to the 2023-24 season, Relentless Soccer Club families! The start of another great soccer year for RSC teams is here. From 6U-18U, we have over 210 players playing for our club this upcoming season. We are so thankful for all the support of the community and families as we head into the forthcoming year.

Player Development

Player development is at the core of what we do. We strongly believe our players and teams need to be pushed beyond their current limits in order to grow and be successful in the future. As coaches we are not satisfied with mediocrity and we do not want our players to be either. We want our players to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. As a club, winning for us is players, week in and week out, winning their personal battles, training hard and being respectful and humble human beings.

E2 Prodigy Futsal and Soccer Club Merger

We are extremely excited to welcome E2 Prodigy players and families to our Relentless family. E2 Prodigy Futsal and Soccer Club was formed in San Antonio in 2015 and has teams competing at some of the highest levels in the state. The merger with our organization will help our club be further recognized at higher levels which will in turn help with college recruitment and entering higher level tournaments and showcases.

Field Update and Practice Plan

As our relationship continues to develop with the City of New Braunfels and the City of Cibolo, we are very excited to say that we have been able to secure Cibolo’s Multi-Event Center Complex on a full-time basis. Additionally, we have also been able to secure the New Braunfels’ Oak Run Middle School field for the Fall season.

For the 2023 Fall, we are extremely happy to announce that we will be utilizing our Oak Run Middle School venue in New Braunfels as a “situational match play” venue. Each team within the club will have specific match play fixtures on Wednesday evenings throughout the season. We will send out your specific teams schedule including all Wednesday evening match play fixtures for the fall season 2023.

Mondays: All teams will practice in Cibolo. Wednesdays: Most teams in Cibolo // Rotation match play teams in New Braunfels.


2018s - 2012s: 6pm - 7:15pm

2011s - 2007s: 7:15pm - 8:30pm

Sponsorship / Fundraising

Relentless Soccer Club is committed to giving all players the opportunity to participate in club soccer. Each year we budget to provide financial support for families who are in need, this is possible because of you, our volunteers, donations and sponsorships.

For anyone interested in getting involved with the club, we are always looking for new volunteers. Parent volunteerism is essential for club activities to take place, please visit for additional information on ways to get involved.

Additionally, Relentless Soccer Club is currently seeking sponsors for our 2023/24 Season, if you are interested or know anyone that would like to be a Relentless sponsor please visit to learn more.

2023/24 Tournaments

Fall Season

September 2nd - 4th: Tiger Labor Day Tournament (All Teams)

November 11th & 12th: Wurst Fall Cup (Academy Teams & 2012/13s)

November 18th & 19th: Copa Alamo Classico (Select Teams)

TDB: Select 11v11 teams will participate in showcase and/or additional tournaments.

Spring Season

January 13th - 15th: Tiger Elite Cup (Select Teams )

February: United for Hope (Academy Teams)

April/May: STX Cups

TDB: Select 11v11 teams will participate in showcase and/or additional tournaments.

* Tournaments and all above dates are subject to change.

Important Dates & Holiday Breaks

August 13: Season Kick Off Party

August 14: Select Practice Starts

August 28: Academy Practice Starts

November 15: Academy Practice Last Day*

November 20-24: NO PRACTICE - Thanksgiving Week

December 11: Select Practice Last Day*

December 13: End of Season Parents vs Players

January 8: Select Practice Starts

January 22: Academy Practice Starts

March 11-15: NO PRACTICE - Spring Break

April 17: Academy Practice Last Day*

May 1: Select Practice Last Day*

May 6th - 22nd: 2024/25 Tryouts

TBD: End of Season Parents vs Players

* Subject to change depending on league/tournament games.

** All above dates are subject to change.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Youth sports are a great opportunity for a child to build self-esteem and learn fundamental skills. It’s also an opportunity for adults to become positive role models and to teach the value and importance of good sportsmanship. Relentless Soccer Club wants you to enjoy the great game of soccer and our Zero Tolerance Policy is in place in an effort to assist you and your player throughout the season.

So, just a reminder about expectations for spectator behavior: please support your entire team, refrain from coaching (remove action verbs from your cheering), and understand that making decisions on the field, which will include making plenty of mistakes, is the optimal way for players to develop. The leagues in which Relentless Soccer Club teams play continue to emphasize the importance of all adults at games modeling appropriate behavior; when winning, when losing and all the ups and downs in between that come with competing. Referee availability continues to be a challenge; soccer games cannot take place without officials and poor spectator/parent behavior makes it harder to find and retain officials.

Best of luck to all players and teams in the upcoming season and best wishes to all for a fun, developmental season on the pitch!

Go Relentless!


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